Test Series #2
Hello dear students. I am Mr Indian, here to help you. I have bringed up the second part of our test series. This test series is special because it's updated with new questions, more questions and more knowledge.
So now let's start our latest new test series.
But after starting it. I have a for you which will help you remembering the name of Oceans according to their volume.
So let's learn.
There totally 5 oceans on the Earth.
You shod remember them as PAISA
P - Pacific Ocean (Largest on the earth)
A - Atlantic Ocean ( Second largest on the earth)
I - Indian Ocean ( Third largest on the earth)
S - Southern Ocean ( Forth largest on the earth)
A - Arctic Ocean ( Fifth largest on the earth)
This are simple tricks. But this tricks will help you in all life, not only in the UPSC exams but in all the exams.
1. Who is the writer of the book 📖 ' The Namesake'? - (Current Affairs)
→ Jumpha Lahiri(झुम्पा लाहिरी)
Description(वर्णन): 'The Namesake' is the first novel by American author Jhumpa Lahiri. It examines many of the same emotional and cultural topics as the Pulitzer prize-winning short story collection interpreter of Maladies. Nilanjana Sudeshna ‘Jhumpa Lahiri’ is an American author known of her short stories, novels and essays in English and more formerly, in Italian.
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The Namesake-Jumpha Lahiri |
2. Who was awarded with the 'Global Goalkeeper award' for 'Clean India Movement' in year 2019? (वर्ष 2019 में स्वच्छ भारत आंदोलन ’के लिए 'ग्लोबल गोलकीपर पुरस्कार’ से किसे सम्मानित किया गया?) (Current Affairs)
→ PMO India Narendra Modi. नरेंद्र मोदी)
Description(वर्णन): Narendra Damodardas Modi is the current Prime Minister of India. He started the 'Clean India Movement', the 'Swachh Bharat Abhiyan' in 2014. Abhiyan succeeded, PM Modi had done the work. 24th September 2019 PM Modi was awarded with Global Goalkeeper award at the sidelines of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) tour in New York City. Narendra Modi is an author also.
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Narendra Modi |
3. Who was the leader of the Chipko Movement? (चिपको आंदोलन के नेता कौन थे?) (History) (Environment And Ecology)
→ Sundarlal Bahuguna(सुंदरलाल बहुगुणा)
Description(वर्णन): The constructive invention of woman power was seen in the Chipko movement of 1949. The forest trees at the base of the Himalayas were to be extensively cut down for commercial purposes. Chandi Prasad Bhatt and Sunder Lal Bahuguna protested against this. Women used the jamming technique to rotate around the tree with their hands in their hands. In order to prevent breakage, the sesame trees were hugged and protected. Because of the nature of the movement, it is called 'Chipko agitation'. Women participated heavily in the movement. The agriculture sector in this area has a large participation of women in the economy.
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Sundarlal Bahuguna - Chipko Andolan |
4. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut was from which country? (यूरी गागरिन, पहला कॉस्मोनॉट किस देश से था?) (Science and Tech)
→ Yuri Gagarin(यूरी गागरिन)
Description(वर्णन): Yuri Gagarin was the first person to go to space. He was from the Soviet Union(Current-Russia). He received around the earth for some time from the Vostok I spacecraft which flew in the space in the year 1961.
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First Cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin |
5. Which is the route of a first Bullet train in India? (भारत में पहली बुलेट ट्रेन का मार्ग कौन सा है?) (Current Affairs )
→ Mumbai - Ahmedabad(मुंबई - अहमदाबाद)
Description(वर्णन): The first bullet train in India will run from Mumbai to Ahmedabad. The work is under construction. The high-speed rail will connect the cities of Gujarat to the economic centre of India.
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Mumbai - Ahmedabad Bullet Train |
6. What are the crops generally known as, which are sown in October and harvested in the month of March or April? (आमतौर पर फसलों को क्या कहा जाता है, जिन्हें अक्टूबर में बोया जाता है और मार्च या अप्रैल के महीने में काटा जाता है?) (Agriculture)
→ Rabi Crops(रबी फसलें)
Description(वर्णन): Rabi crops or Rabi harvest are also known as Winter crops or winter harvest. Because they are Sown in the Winter season in the India. These crops are sown in the month of October and harvested in the month of March or April.
Here is a simple trick for you guys to remember these winter crops.
B - Bajra
M - Mustard
W - Wheat
L - Linseed
P - Pea
G - Gram
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Rabi Crops |
7. Madhubani is a style of folk painting of which state of India? (मधुबनी भारत के किस राज्य की लोक चित्रकला की एक शैली है?)
→ Bihar(बिहार)
Description(वर्णन): These paintings are an example of good art. This is the heritage of the Mithila region of the Bihar state. Therefore it's sometimes referred to as Mithila paintings. It's. made by using various equipments like matchsticks, dyes and natural colours.
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Madhubani Paintings - Bihar |
8. Pharm Vision 2020 is a programme to develop India as a leader in which field? (फार्म विजन 2020 भारत को किस क्षेत्र में अग्रणी के रूप में विकसित करने का कार्यक्रम है?) (Current Affairs, Chemistry, Medical science)
→ Drug discovery and innovation(दवा की खोज और नवाचार)
Description(वर्णन): This is a programme by the Indian government. The aim, the goal of the programme is to make India as a global leader in the drugs discovery and innovation and manufacturing by the year 2020. All the pharmaceutical industries are under the Ministry of chemical and fertilizer.
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Pharma Vision 2020 |
9. In the year 1984, which Indian Captain travelled to space in the Soviet Space Programme and became the only Indian to fly in space? (वर्ष 1984 में, भारतीय कप्तान ने सोवियत अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रम में अंतरिक्ष की यात्रा की और अंतरिक्ष में उड़ान भरने वाले एकमात्र भारतीय बन गए) (History)
→ Rakesh Sharma(राकेश शर्मा)
Description(वर्णन): Rakesh Sharma the only Indian to fly in the space. The year 1984, Rakesh Sharma travelled space by the Soyuz T-11, under the interkosmos programme of Soviet Union.
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Rakesh Sharma |
10. Sound cannot travel through what? (ध्वनि किस माध्यम से यात्रा नहीं कर सकती है?) (Physics)
→ Vacuum(शून्य स्थान)
Description(वर्णन): Sound is a form of energy. Sound needs a medium for travelling. Mediums for sound travel are solids, liquids and gaseous. Sound waves can't travel through a vacuum. A vacuum is a place or region no mediums like solids, liquids gaseous. This is why we can't talk on the moon. Because there is no atmosphere on the moon. That means the moon is a vacuum.
All the best for your all the exams and importantly For Your life.
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Byyyyy for now. We will meet in the next article. With the best and important questions for all your competitive exams.
Thank you.